Where your visitors are going?
The one issue I have with statcounter as my counter of choice is the lack in knowing what my visitors are clicking on if they leave my site. I don't know what interests them enough to see more.
So, I put in MyBlogLog. This is a great service for those of you who care (and not everyone does) what interests your readers. Now I know if people are interested in stories on the Red Sox or perhaps it's the latest flash game they want to play? MyBlogLog also keeps track of where your readers are coming from, which is nice, but not what I was looking for when I signed up as statcounter already did that for me.
MyBlogLog has both free service and a paid service. If you sign up for the free service, you get a week's worth of pro (paid) stats to look at. But after that you are automatically reduced to the free version. If you end up paying for their service (and I have to admit I've been tempted to do so, but haven't yet), you get full historical data to peruse so that you can look for trends, not just the past week. Also, they will keep track of more than the top 10 outgoing links in real-time.
They also have the option of letting your readers know what's hot and what's not using a hovering image (as your reader hovers over a link, MyBlogLog will let them know how popular that link is). I don't happen to like that service, but it is optional. They can also post the top 5 links for your site as well.
Some known issues (as of today) with MyBlogLog are: it does not track Google's AdSense ads. Also, clicks are not counted in Firefox when "Ad Blocking" is turned off. And MyBlogLog reports fewer page views than my other stats package. Each of these issues are being worked on and you should check MyBlogLog's help section for more info.
You should try out our LinkLog :)
OK, why should I use linklog instead of MyBlogLog?
Well -
1. 25 links for free
2. Updated every 10 minutes, not day
3. Allows you to see stats per day, week, month directly from calender
4. RSS feeds of both latest and top clicks for the day
5. Full breakdown info on each link clicked
6. (if you upgrade to pro) we then offer 250 links per day tracking + adsense tracking
You make it sound very tempting. I'll have to try it out. Thanks for letting me know about it.
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